Summer in Florence

by Steven Nelson
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
5970.000 x 3948.000 x 1.000 pixels
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Summer in Florence
Steven Nelson
Photograph - Color Photography
A summer view from the banks of the Arno River, in Florence Italy, with a bridge, buildings and clouds reflected in the water
August 1st, 2023
Comments (4)

Holly April Harris
I am very pleased to feature your lovely photo in ‘Serenity Inspiring Photography!’ Please add it to the “2023 Third Quarter FEATURED IMAGES Gallery” thread in the discussions area to record and exhibit your image amongst the best in the group. Thank you! 8/5/23

Holly April Harris
Beautiful scene! I am very pleased to feature your fantastic artwork in the group ‘Covered Bridges and Historical Buildings.’ Please add it to the “2023 Third Quarter FEATURED IMAGE Collection” thread in the discussions area to record and display your image amongst the best in the group. Thank you! 8/3/23