Steven M. Nelson Photography

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Roofs of Annecy Photograph by Steven Nelson

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Comments (5)

Barbie Corbett-Newmin

Barbie Corbett-Newmin

I love Annecy!

Steven Nelson replied:

It is a beautiful place!

Dora Stork

Dora Stork

Outstanding European art, the mood, colors, and composition! L/F/voted

Steven Nelson replied:

Thank you very much!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L

Steven Nelson replied:

Thank you!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L voted for this piece in the contest CITYSCAPES

Steven Nelson replied:

Thank you so much!



Wonderful Annecy! Beautiful capture Steven!

Steven Nelson replied:

Thank you very much!

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Roofs of Annecy by Steven Nelson
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